

Dr Gorana Kuka-Epstein je završila Medicinski fakultet baš u Beogradu, gde je obavila i najveći deo specijalističkog staža iz plastične hirurgije. Dr Kuka-Epstein je član Srpske lekarske komore, ali i Srpskog udruženja za plastičnu, rekonstruktivnu i estetsku hirurgiju (SRBPRAS). Trenutno je na doktorskim studijama na Medicinskom fakultetu u Novom Sadu. Iako ne živi u Beogradu, dolazi redovno kako bi obavljala intervencije iz oblasti estetske hirurgije, neinvazivne medicine, regenerativne medicine, a naročito intervencije transplantacije kose. U Beogradu radi sa timom svojih asistenata koji su uz nju već duži niz godina i potpuno su obučeni za procedure koje obavljaju. Women’s Center for Hair Loss, specijalizovana klinika koja se bavi problemom opadanja kose kod devojaka i žena ima svoje sedište u Beogradu, pored Njujorka i Majamija.



  • Transplantacija kose
  • Transplantacija obrva
  • Transplantacija brade, brkova, zulufa
  • Korekcija ožiljaka
  • Korekcija prethodnih procedura transplantacije kose (neprirodan izgled prednje linije kose, neprirodan rast transplantata, veliki transplantati, korekcija ožiljka od strip procedure, neadekvatan rast transplantata i sl.)
  • Transeksualna hirurgija (kreiranje ženske linije kose, transplantacija brade, obrva, dlaka da grudima)
  • Hirurško pomeranje prednje linije kose
  • Transplantacija dlaka na telu – Body Hair Transplant


  • Medikamentozne terapije (minoksidil, finasteride, spironolakton, vitaminske terapije, nutritivne terapije)
  • Laserska terapije
  • Mezoterapija
  • Terapija kortikosteroidima
  • PRP terapija
  • Pure Hair Grafting
  • Terapija matičnim ćelijama


  • Laboratorijski testovi i analiza
  • Analiza kože glave
  • Testovi opadanja kose (pull test, 60 s test)
  • Testovi analize korena dlake (pluck test)
  • Dermoskopija (trihoskopija)
  • Biopsija


  • Neinvazivne metode podmladjivanja : hijaluronska kiselina, Botox®, hemijski pilinzi, mezoterapija, PRP terapija.
  • Uvećanje usana hijaluronskom kiselinom (Juvederm®)
  • Fat grafting (podmladjivanje sopstvenim masnim tkivom (lice, šake uvećanje dojki, listova, gluteusa)
  • Liposukcija
  • Povećanje grudi silikonskim implantatima
  • Abdominoplastika (zatezanje opuštene kože stomaka)
  • Brahioplastika (zatezanje nadlaktica)
  • Korekcija kapaka (blefaroplastika)
  • Korekcija nosa (rinoplastika)
  • Uvećanje brade implantom
  • Korekcija klempavih ušiju (otoplastika)
  • Podizanje obrva (browlift)
  • Face-lift
  • Neck-lift



Februar 20-28.2017.

Mart 01-05.2017




Hair Center Serbia
Petra Kočića 31
11000 Beograd, Srbija

About Belgrade

For patients coming from abroad – welcome to Serbia
“A land of contrasts with cities that rock”

Serbia is a land full of surprising contrasts that offers tourists a truly warm and hospitable welcome catering for everybody. One of the last undiscovered tourist destinations in Europe, Serbia is now on the up, charming visitors with its bustling cities, beautiful countryside and friendly, passionate people. Still unspoiled by mass tourism, Serbia is now an exceptional destination at incredibly good value.


For centuries, Serbia’s capital city, Belgrade, has shaped itself on the banks of the Danube and Sava rivers, meandering around its jewel, the Kalemegdan Fortress. It is a city where living with charm and hedonism is a way of life. You will be hooked by the capital’s unique atmosphere. Belgrade boasts some of the greatest nightlife to be found anywhere in Europe which includes a variety of performance arts, night clubs, antiques cafes or houseboats. Furthermore, Belgrade offers a range of restaurants and hotels that compared to most European cities offer great value and will not make a dent in the wallet.

Flying to Belgrade

There are many airlines that offer flights to Belgrade. Serbian national airline Air Serbia has flights to many European cities ( There are also low cost airlines such as Germanwings or Wizzair that offer flights to Belgrade. Belgrade’s airport “Nikola Tesla” is not far from the city and a driver will take you to your hotel or to our clinic.

Where to stay

If you are coming for your procedure and leaving a day after, we can offer you free one night stay at our clinic. During the stay in our very comfortable apartments, a nurse will stay with your throughout the night in order to make sure you have everything you need. If you are planning to stay longer in Belgrade and to take advantage of this beautiful city, there is a list of hotels and hostels we can advise you to stay. Let us know when booking your procedure and everything will be set for you. We are fluent in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.


Dr. Gorana Kuka Epstein je veoma aktivna na instragramu i dnevno objavljuje postove sa zanimljivim i edukativnim sadržajem. Možete je zapratiti klikom na @dr.gorana kako bi bili u toku sa svim novim informacijama.